Hanif Flyover Best Full Color SMD P6 Outdoor Led M


Price : 4,000 ৳
Date : May 30, 2022
Condition : New
Item type : Others
Location : 04-B/A, (2nd Floor), Mazar Road, Mirpur-1, Dhaka.

Hanif Flyover Best Full Color SMD P6 Outdoor Led Moving Display Traffic Red Class Display & Hanif Flyover Safety Traffic Green Arrow Display Screen Rode Side with Roadway Highway Safety Red Cross & Green Arrow LED Traffic Warning Signal Light, China LED Light, LED Lamp.

@ Project of Mayor Mohammad Hanif Flyover

@ Concern of Orion infrastructure ltd ( ORION GROUP )

@ Address #Jatrabari_Gulistan_Dhaka_Bangladesh

@ Complete by #IshaTech_Advertising_Ltd

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  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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