Full Color P6 Outdoor LED Screen & Outdoor LED screen Display for Advertising in Bangladesh.
@ Project of #Govt_Projects
@ Address #Dhaka_Bangladesh
@ Complete by #IshaTech_Advertising_Ltd
@ Terms and Conditions:
Two Years Service’s with Materials Warranty.
►Contact us for more information:
Cell: 01844 – 542 499, 01844 – 542 498
►Visit our Sent:
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
►Corporate Office:
04-B/A, (2nd Floor), Mazar Road, Sector-1, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216.
►To Visit Our Page:
Website: www.ishatechadvertisingbd.com
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YouTube: https://bit.ly/3pZO965
Acrylic Blog Page: https://bit.ly/3u4fg1m
Acp Off Cut Page:
Name Plate Page: https://bit.ly/2QFicD4
LED Moving Display Page: https://bit.ly/3sxVeet
Billboard Page: https://bit.ly/3gpOf4U
Wall Boundary Page:
#sports_led_display #production_display_boards #score_boards #token_display_system #currency_rate_display_board #up_down_counter #jewelry_rate_display_boards #digital_led_clocks #token_displays #number_displays #bank_interest_rate_display #foreign_exchange_rate_display #project_countdown_clock #welcome_sign #closed_sign #garments_surge_board_bangladesh #garments_production_board_board. #led_pollution_data_digiles #led_tickers #led_video_wall #indoor_sign #outdoor_signage #advertising